The Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying an Existing Business

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Buying an Existing Business

Often, new entrepreneurs struggle with the decision between purchasing a business or launching a new one. This can be a difficult decision because purchasing a business has advantages and disadvantages, which we will go over below. Advantages of Purchasing a...

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Common Ways to Finance a Business Acquisition

Common Ways to Finance a Business Acquisition

When it comes to financing a business acquisition, small business buyers face a challenge. In this article, we’ll take a look at five common ways to finance a business acquisition. First, though, we’re going to look at how much...

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Trade Credit: The Pros and Cons

Trade Credit: The Pros and Cons

Most business owners find out that it is not possible to thrive in the modern marketplace with cash-only sales. Customers are more likely to purchase your goods and services if you offer credit terms. Here are some of the...

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Types of Taxes on Rental Properties 

Types of Taxes on Rental Properties 

Rental properties are a big business in the U. S. According to the Census Bureau, there are about 20 million rental properties, with individual investors owning over 71 percent of them. While rental properties can produce some attractive income....

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