The number of people who work remotely is continuing to grow as people opt to complete their required tasks from a different location than their employer. Video conferencing and other software permit employees and their managers to discuss the same things remotely that they would in person and allow for the continuity of most business practices. However, there are still certain things managers should keep in mind when it comes to virtual work. Here are three things to consider with remote employees.
1. From Which Locations You Will Hire
Just because your employees can technically work from anywhere, it does not necessarily mean that they can do so from a legal standpoint. For example, states have different regulations when it comes to employment, as well as differing tax laws. If you believe any part of your business would be at odds with hiring in another state, seek legal advice and refrain from hiring people in those states until you know you are in the clear.
In addition, some remote jobs require travel, and as an employer, you might want those who will be traveling to be located near the locations they will be visiting as an employee. Lastly, time zones are another thing to keep in mind. If you want people to work synchronously, make sure that your employees are in similar time zones or are at least willing to work during your business hours.
2. How You Will Supervise
Supervising remote employees requires a different approach than supervising those in person. For instance, it is less easy to see how much or how little people are working during the day. If this is something that concerns you, consider having employees update you regularly about what they are getting done on a daily or weekly basis. Keep in mind that working too many hours is an equal cause for concern as working too few hours, as this may indicate that an employee is having trouble setting work aside at the end of the day.
3. How You Will Communicate
Everyone has a different communication style, and this is still true when working remotely. Ask employees whether they prefer phone, email, or messaging as the primary way to communicate with them. For example, if someone finds the pings of a messaging app to be distracting, they might instead promise to check their email on a regular basis.
Consider these three things if you supervise remote employees.